Okaw Veterinary Clinic
140 W. Sale
Tuscola, IL 61953
(217) 253-3221
Submit your testimony here.
Nervous Josie The Adaptil is absolutely wonderful for my brother's dog. She visits and is usually whining and hyperactive. I put Celea's bandana with Adaptil on Josie and she calmed down. It was wonderful. It helped Josie tremendously. - Chris Lange
Odie's Tale
- Lynn Martin and Odie
Nervous Dobbie I want to say thank you for all you did to help my little boy. I know that he is happy today and runs and plays with other dogs at the rainbow bridge as relaxed and anxiety free as he can be. Hugs to you for your love of all animals. - Betty Powell
Jack and his Second Home
He loves the Okaw Clinic so much that we cannot walk by it without him pulling us to the entrance. If the office is closed, he will stand at the door and wait until he is told that no one is home. If the office is open and he goes in for a visit, he has to be dragged away by his leash for the next 2 or 3 blocks because he wants to go back. We have no worries about boarding Jack at the clinic because we know he is getting the best treatment available. The treatment is so good that he's not even excited to see us when we pick him up to go home. The reason must be because he gets more treats at the clinic than he does at home! - Trina Hilligoss and Jack
D.A.P. on Lottie's bandana had her settled down and sleeping in the car in 10 minutes. No one should let their pet go on upset about things when there is a product like D.A.P. If your dog has trouble traveling - use it! - Iva Atwater and Lotti