Okaw Veterinary Clinic
140 W. Sale
Tuscola, IL 61953
(217) 253-3221
Our Staff
Rachael Green, Certified Veterinary Technician
I decided to work in a biology related field when I was in high school and started my general studies at Lake Land College, where I received my Associate in Applied Sciences. Then I transferred to Eastern and looked into various Zoology degrees. I wanted to help animals and I started looking into what degree I would need to work with dogs and cats, in a veterinary field. I did a bit of research and found the Vet Tech program at Parkland College. I thought this would be a great way to help animals. I applied and got into the program. It was a tough - lots of studying and long hours of classes. But it was worth it. I enjoy working with animals and helping keep them healthy. I have one cat named Amelia that lives with me in my apartment. She was found as a stray in Tuscola. She was a bit sick when she was found, so after a few months of medication, she is feeling better. I also have two dogs, Keyser and Moose, who live at home with my parents. They were found as strays where my parents live. I also have two mini donkeys, Chester and Charlene, living at my parents home. In my spare time I like to take photos, sketch, tat, knit and crochet. I also like to spend time on Facebook.
Debbie Gass, Certified Veterinary Technician
Upon arriving in Illinois (from my native Rhode Island), I learned about Parkland College's Veterinary Technology program. I jumped at the chance to learn more and get some more training. It was great to know there was a program to gain more knowledge and training for the field I had come to love. Every day as a veterinary technician is a learning experience. There are always new medicines, techniques, diagnostics constantly coming out to keep this field so fresh and exciting. (Not to mention all the great animals and people I meet!) I’m also now the new Professional Outreach Representative of CattleDog Publishing. I enjoy assisting instructors at Veterinary Technology & Veterinary Assistant Schools in adding Low Stress Handling into their curriculums. It’s great helping to make our patients visits less scary and have them actually enjoy coming to vet clinics. In my spare time, I spend time with Brad, my husband of 8 years. Going to Independent wrestling shows, spending time with friends and teaching Puppy Preschool at Mannered Mutts, LLC are favorite things as well. We have 2 feline children that keep us busy, as well as entertained. Our sweet girl, Simone was adopted by Brad & me together as our first wedding anniversary present to ourselves. We adopted her at PetSmart through Prairie-Land Anticruelty cat rescue. Her grey & white markings reminded us of Hoppy, one of our previous cats, but then she turned her head showed us her "torti mask" we knew we had to have her. Our newest cat, Joey started off as a foster from CatSnap that failed in less than a week. He’s an orange & white ball of energy, life with him is never boring, a wonderful addition to our home. I am blessed that I truly love my job and look forward to going to work to see what each day will bring.
Heather Grob, Business Office Manager I have always loved all animals, small children, math, and human behavior. I decided to pursue my love of small children by getting a bachelor's from the University of Illinois in Early Childhood Education. I decided I wanted more education and continued at the University of Illinois to receive my Master's of Social Work in Mental Health Therapy. During this time, I married my High School Sweetheart, Keith, in 2004; became a new mom in 2005; moved to Philo, IL in 2007; and had my second daughter in 2008. After getting my education, I was fortunate enough to stay at home while my girls grew until they were school age. I then chose to work at a part-time preschool program so I could still spend as much time as possible with my family. Throughout the later part of working at the preschool, I began assisting Dr. K with the business side of things at Okaw. I realized I wanted to do more and more as time went on. In August 2021, Dr. K offered me my current job as office manager and I couldn't be happier! I did not have many pets growing up, but may be making up for that now! We currently have 2 dogs (Lars and Lilac), 2 bunnies (Bridgette and Thumper), 2 cats (Castiel - the little frozen stray that we saved December 2022 and Emmett who fell into our lives and hearts). The kittens come to Okaw every day and they love to meet people), 1 Guinea Pig (Pippa), and 1 Hamster (Stanley).