Okaw Veterinary Clinic
140 W. Sale
Tuscola, IL 61953
(217) 253-3221
Welcome to Our Clinic
Take a Look Behind the Scenes at our Clinic We are currently remodeling! The Clinic - We are located on Sale Street in Downtown Tuscola. We renovated the exterior of the building. The original tile has been replaced with similar colored tile.
Waiting Room - Clients enjoy a comfortable sitting area until they are taken to an exam room. Exam Rooms - We try to make our exam room as comfortable as possible. You can sit in a chair or stand by your pets during exams. We like to encourage you to talk to your pet and offer treats during the exam. Your pet is comforted by you and our staff while we do the exams and other care. We have many informational brochures you can take home. You can learn about heartworm disease and prevention, flea prevention, the importance of blood work before surgery and while on long term medications, information about special needs of senior pets, arthritis, separation anxiety, brushing your pets teeth and much more. We also have containers containing heartworms, tapeworms, ticks and roundworms to help our clients understand what is happening inside their pet. Feline Exam Room Canine Exam Room Lab - We have a machine that allows us to perform most of your pet's blood work while you are here. We also have the ability to do a complete urinalysis, heartworm test, Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus test, and fecal test. We also read cytology slides, including skin, fine needle aspirate and fecal. We collect samples to check for ear and skin mites. We evaluate blood smears for parasites and blood cell morphology. We have a relationship with the University of Illinois Clinical Pathology for additional tests. Surgery - Dr. Kuhns does all of the surgeries in our clinic assisted by a technician throughout the procedure and recovery. The technicians duty is to monitor your pet using ECG, pulse ox and blood pressure as well as direct monitoring. Each patient has an IV and fluids flowing during surgery. This helps keep the patient hydrated as well as providing a place for emergency drug injection, in case of an emergency. Pain relief is given to each patient at surgery, as well as to go home. X Ray - An x-ray can find problems we can't see on an exam or in blood work. Our 300 ma Summit X-ray equipment meets all standards of the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety for proper exams and safety of your pet. Our automatic processor for developing x-rays helps us find the answers more quickly. We can do this even while you wait. X-rays allow us to look inside your pet for broken bones, bladder or kidney stones and objects your pet may have swallowed. We can also check for fluid in the lungs or abdomen and evaluate your pet's organs. |